Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Wake

(This first part is from last Sunday, so excuse the references to "Today")
About 4pm on Sunday November 9th 2008, I got it in my head to buy some flowers and take them to where Holly and I were often seen in public.
So I bought a dozen roses and drove down the hill from my house to Coulon Park. Holly and I used to walk there every day that she would stay with me and afterward, in the summer or if the weather was nice, we'd sit on a hill and watch out onto the lake. We'd have long talks there and snack on grapes or sandwiches we'd bought. I went to a pier and one by one, threw out 10 of the twelve roses onto the water. One of them landed on a big rock below. The others scattered in the water. The one on the rock might have been Holly symbolically. The rest of the roses on the water drifted over to the spot where we used to always sit. That's when I started crying. After a half hour, it started to get dark. I was dark enough with all the clouds we had today.
I got in my car and drove over to where Holly and I first met. Enatai Beach. It was the half way point from where I used to live and Holly's condo. I always road my bike through there and that one day I stopped and met Holly. I walked over to the spot where we met, third fence poll from the end of the cement dock where she was sitting in her chaise lounge. I placed the remaining two roses on that spot and thought back to when we had met. Tears were streaming out of my eyes by then. I looked around and it was so beautiful in the oncoming darkness of the evening. It was 5:30 and I heard a noise behind me. There were two long kayaks being pulled out of the water onto the beach by 6 people. I stayed for a while longer thinking of Holly and left to get some tissue to blow my nose with. I cried all the way home.
My eyes were still wet while writing this.
Hope you are well. I am embracing Holly's memory today.

The day after that was the official date of Holly's death. After work I met up with my friend Anne, who knew Holly well and we went to see a movie. (A terrible thing call "Rachel getting married") and had some dinner. That helped with the day but I still felt bad inside.
Wednesday night I went to the SCBWI meeting and that was fun. Thursday our bosses at Microsoft decided to give us a free evening of pool at a swanky new Billiard palour in Bellevue. Free food and drinks. That was also much fun. I thank them for being so kind to me on this week.

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