Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seattle Arboretum

I brought my folding bike with me into Seattle on Tuesday and rode around the Aboretum. I had never strolled through the whole thing. I've been to a few parts here and there over the years but until this last Tuesday I hadn't seen every thing. I took as many pix as I thought appropriate and it took a total of 3 hours to complete. I didn't get to all the trails but a lot of what I saw overlapped with other trails so I'm sure I got most of it. When the trail went out on the water in a series of floating walks and bridges on to small islands near the I-520 freeway it got wild. Close to the end of the day and so there was a lot of people who had come there to walk after work. It was totally empty when I started. I'll be going to either Discovery Park or Tacoma next week. Stay tuned for more pix!

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