Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Character concepting

 Concepting characters can be so much fun, especially at the beginning of a project and before the style is reigned in. Exploration is finding the visual depth of characters and so much of the time when the style gets reigned in it gets sanitized to the point where the characters look like they were stamped out in factory. Not every character design needs to look like a Pixar marshmallow. And bravo for some animation studios for taking a different tact with character design. Same for game studios.

So when you are given a chance to explore your own ideas about what a character should look like, let your mind find your best ideas that aren't obvious and start drawing!
Here are some quick character drawings early on for a project, that went from mild to wild rather quickly. I'll post others another time.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Another Saturday, Another Doodle

 This weekend's Saturday morning Doodle.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 Concept Doodles help to release stress and have some fun in between all the stuff you have to do for your job.

This set of Doodles is basically about HATS! From the time I was a kid, I've always loved wearing hats. So for this session of Doodles I made different hats on some humans and hats on some basic creatures.

What do you do to release stress on a daily basis?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Peach Blossom

 Some years ago I worked on a picture book concept called "Peach Blossom's Birthday Party" and did a ton of drawings for it. Here are a couple of those drawings with the color versions.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Get your ticket to INK TOWN!

 My NEW Art Book, available on Amazon now. 

As an artist I tend to draw everywhere I go. Buses, cars, trains, planes, coffee houses, restaurants, etc. Annoying everyone that I have a relationship with. But it did help me constantly to work out ideas for working in the game biz, picture book biz and to amuse friends and strangers. I love drawing and can draw all day.

This book is filled with a simpler style then I do when I'm doodling or working on concepts for work. Many of them are funny and some are sad. (but not many)
I think you'll get a lot of fun from this book for years and years. With some of these drawings that may become actual stories. Or you can make up your own stories based on one or more of these drawings. Either way it's a great book for you, your family or your friends. And maybe a few strangers. Get your copy today!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Quirky Ink Drawings

 A few years ago I decided to use a thick ink brush pen (Tombow ABT N15) to do some striped down, simple and quirky ink drawings. This was so much fun. Need to do more soon.

I only have names for three of them. Middle Left: "Guitar with Puppets"

Bottom Left: "Coffee Well of Souls" and the Bottom Right: "Planet of Robots at Sunset"