I'll have to look over the proof this week but it looks like my photo book of Seattle is finished finally. Now I can get back to working on a book from my sketches volume one.... stay tuned....
Hope you dig it. It was inspired by a break out session I attended. The speaker started out with a Halloween story and was from a Latin country... it just seemed to fit in my head.
Another new sketch from last weekend's SCBWI conference. I draw to stay awake during speakers, so I finished a bunch of drawings. Another one soon. See you next post. -MC
Another new letter in the Super Alphabet series. I've actually finished the next letter and will post that soon. It's been a busy week. See you next post. -MC
I did these two on Saturday at the SCBWI NW conference... it was a great time and two parties in 24 hours. Fun! I'll have more sketches from the conference posted very soon. See you next post. -MC
I just did this on Wednesday. I try to squeeze out a red pencil drawing that has nothing to do with my graphic novel every week. I helps me to expand beyond the confines of the graphic novel. See you next post. -MC
A new painting at last. Based on a drawing I did just over 3 years ago. Part of series of sorts. This is the first one to be painted. There will be more from this series but not for a while. Other new art coming soon...