THis is from a logo design that I did back in January, February of this year for a company that will remain nameless. Fun working on this one. I've got other versions but I like this one the best. They didn't like any of them. Go figure, it's all subjective.
Here's to summer finally arriving in the Pacific Northwest.
I went to this party tonight in Seattle at some friends house and ran into a woman who I haven't seen in a long time. She moved out of state some time ago. She's very pretty but I found myself very awkward in front of her. I wish I wouldn't react that way in front of her because I'd like to get to know her better. She's in town for the next 10 days, maybe I'll run into her again. I'd like that.
I've become very awkward around attractive women since Holly died. I'm trying to figure out what that's about. I'm sure some of it is quilt but not sure what the rest of it is.
I also went Kayaking up stream on the Cedar river today. The current was incredibly strong at one point and I found myself not being able to get beyond and grounded my kayak under a bridge and cooled off in the shade for a while, then let the current take me back to the calmer part of the river. Lake Washington was very choppy today and that made it rough to get across.
Beautiful day though.
Peace out.