Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Art Station

 10 months later, still looking for work. The longest I've ever gone without a new job coming my way has been a year. Nearing that now, in the wake of responding to job posts of about 25 per month,... no responses except AI/robot responses. Not putting "Key Words" into resumes can be problematic. What are those key words for what I do for a living? Illustration, Illustrator, Art, Concept Art, Visual Development,...? I put all those in there and more.

Yet, all I hear are,... tumbleweeds blowing by... ssssssshhhhhhh, thik, thik, thik...

Come on companies! I can make your day (ideas come to life!) 😀

P.S... I just started with ArtStation, so my page is a work in progress. Stay tuned.

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