Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Summer Concert

 This week's WRAP (Wednesday Random Art Post)... Another dark blue polychromos pencil drawing from one of my old sketchbooks.

Every Summer there are outdoor concerts all over the place and now that we are mostly back from the pandemic, it's time to get outside and enjoy some live music.

Sometimes a background singer hits such an amazing series of notes that you can't help but stop and listen.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Morning Doodle

 This weekend's Saturday Morning Doodle.

Summer continues with all kinds of fun activities. Outdoor BBQs are the best.

Whether you like some meat grilled or veggies on an open pit fire, a side of watermelon is likely a good refresher.

Don't forget the sunscreen!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Flower from Marymoor Park

From the community garden.


Saturday Doodle from a few weeks ago.

 Sunny Saturday Morning Doodle for this weekend.

Nothing like a nice long bike ride with a friend on a Saturday or Sunday when it's the perfect temperature, sunny and just the right trail.
Perhaps along the water or up in the mountains... and maybe just a nice flat trail with no ups or downs.
The main thing is to get out and enjoy the summer.

Summer Breakfast

 July and August is the time for this breakfast. So amazingly good.

Fresh Blue Berries, which are plentiful right now. On top of smashed eggs with dill, shredded cheese, a hint of black pepper and salt... placed on stove top, lightly grilled tortillas!

The Wall

 This week's WRAP (Wednesday Random Art Post)... Another dark green polychromos pencil drawing from one of my old sketchbooks.

"The people who live under the bridge"
Some day I'll have to do a drawing of the people who live inside the bridge!
Always fun to just let the imagination come up with weird stuff.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In the Pool

 Sunny Saturday Morning Doodle for this weekend. And the pool is where I love to be most days. (every day, if I'm being honest)

It's great to be cooling off and getting some exercise, as well as socializing with peeps. Hope you are having an enjoyable post holiday weekend.

Trees on a peninsula

 Part of a much bigger map.

PNW Summer

 This weekend's Saturday Morning Doodle!

Summertime in the Pacific Northwest means getting out into the wild and enjoying the mountains, lakes, rivers with hiking and biking and photo taking.
And it's always best when you have someone with you to share that experience.
So get out there and enjoy the summer.
And by PNW standards it's only 2 months long. GO!

Silhouette at night

 No matter who I work for, there is always a thought that keeps me going and that is..."Let's come at this from a different POV" Sometimes I can get there with an idea/concept and sometimes not. Either way it's good to push the envelope a bit. I was happy to have this idea accepted and a placemat made from it.


 This week's WRAP (Wednesday Random Art Post)... Another dark blue polychromos pencil #19 drawing from one of my old sketchbooks.

Since we've had some serious heat this last week, I found some appropriate doodles from a sketchbook in 2021 when we had the "Heat Dome" roaming around our area. I saw birds dropping out of trees and some trees just falling over. At one point it felt like I was melting.

Monday, July 1, 2024

PNW Summer!

 The way I see summer is that there are three officials starts, because I live in the PNW. The first one is Memorial weekend, when everyone gets out and about. Picnics, pools, beaches, road trips, etc...

Then there is the Summer Solstice, when the season of summer officially begins. And in the PNW, summer weather takes hold on the 5th of July, most years. This year is no exception.

We've had a few summer like days but for the most part it's been in the 50s and somewhat rainy.

Later this week when summer arrives for us, it's going to get hot quickly. In the 90s.

These ink drawings were my take on the summer months with regard to pools and beaches.