Saturday, May 30, 2020

NEW Dragon Butt drawings...

I've been drawing these different Dragons as a Metaphor of my Pneumonia, during the Quarantine.

Dragon my Butt over to the sink for a coughing fit...

Dragon my butt over to the comfy chair to do some reading...

Dragon my butt over to the dinning table to eat yet another homemade meal...

Friday, May 22, 2020

More Dragon my butt drawings for May.

Dragon my butt to the dinning table because I am so hungry...

Dragon my butt to do a more realistic rendering of myself...

Dragon my butt into the kitchen to chop, dice and cook...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

More DRAGON my BUTT drawings from the Quarantine...

Dragon my butt into the kitchen again for some food... oops...

Dragon my butt over to get some coffee and a little morning dance...

Dragon my butt over to the window to give someone an Air Hug...